Monday, February 2, 2009


Andrew's dad, Andy, came down this weekend to borrow our Nova for work. The car he had been using broke down. Except that our car hasn't been able to go for more than 10 minutes without overheating in a long while. Our very helpful neighbor gave Andrew some tips on fixing cars (apparently there are manuals you can buy for your car to tell you how to fix everything), and lent him his tools. The water pump needed to be replaced, and the part only cost like $30 (compared to $150 or more to pay a mechanic to do it). Anyway, Andrew decided he was up for the challenge of working on it himself, and so got to work.

I'm not sure of the word to describe Andrew when he would come inside to get something. His clothes were black, his hands were black, there were black smudges even on his face. You could just tell that he felt like a man. Sure there were screams of, "It's in my eye!" and "It's spraying acid EVERYWHERE!" with the occasional small broken part he would bring to me and ask me to get a new one at the store. But really, I was very impressed that he did it. It's definitely not an easy part to start with when learning how to work on cars, but he figured it out. Of course, there is still a little more to be done on the car (even after LONG freezing cold hours of working on it), so we have yet to witness the car starting/running again...but I don't think it could be worse than when he started. There weren't any major parts left over or anything. :)


Mary said...

Wow -- way to go An-DREW!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm impressed. Having done some of that myself, I do think that older vehicles are easier to figure out because they are not so complicated.

stephasauri said...

What impresses me most is that you guys are willing to take on a challenge like this in the winter. My motivation to do this sort of thing lowers in direct proportion to the temperature. (This formula does not work for temperatures about 85)

llcall said...

very cute post, jenn!

and yes, andrew sounds like quite the real man.