Monday, December 20, 2010

"I LOVE to dance!"

This is Kate dancing to "tip top" music -- or "hip hop" music. :) She watches a show called Angelina Ballerina and her favorite is where they dance to hip hop music. Anyway, this girl LOVES to dance. I am in Primary now, and so I get to keep my eye on her. When she was supposed to be exiting sharing time reverently to go to her next class, she walked calmly for a minute, then as she was exiting, she did a dramatic twirl. It was hilarious -- I couldn't help but laugh out loud! Everyone else was folding their arms, but Kate was in a world of her own.

That reminds me -- the Sunday after she turned four, she walked in to Sharing Time and sat down in the back of the room -- with a different, much older class. I asked her what she was doing. She said, "This is where the big kids sit."

Anyway, I hope everyone has seen the movie Girls Just Want to Have Fun a million times like I have -- that's where I got the title of this post from. :)

You can get a better sense of what her twirl was like in Primary from this one below--

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