Friday, June 12, 2009

2 Cute 2 Resist

I couldn't resist the title either--flashback to junior high. Anyway, I just asked Kate if she wanted to go to the store with me to pick up some ice cream (for a dinner party with friends tonight--not wholly for personal consumption), which normally she would be more than thrilled to do, but this time replied, "I don't want it. I tired." Not even two minutes later, she looked like this. That's what happens when you stop taking regular naps--you end up sleeping at dinner time and not wanting to go to bed at night. 'Sigh.' But she's too dang cute to harass until she wakes up (and really that's impossible anyway).

PS Notice her painted toes! I can't believe I painted her toes. She loved it, though.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

I think I know just exactly how Kate feels!