Sunday, July 25, 2010

The 24th!

We bought fireworks for the 4th of July, but I had just had Christian the week before, and things were still really crazy -- so we decided to use our fireworks for Pioneer Day instead. Kate is now to a really fun age for things like this. She had a lot of fun. And Christian slept soundly in his car seat a safe distance away.

The best part was in the car on the way home. Kate is really (understatement) into pretend. She loves to reenact everything -- movies, books, things that happened earlier in the day, etc. So on the way home she wanted Andrew to pretend to be Daddy (ok) and Mommy to be Kate, and Kate would be the fireworks. Daddy had to light the firework, Kate had to be excited and yell "RUN!" and the fireworks had to POPOPOPOPOPOPOPOP -- with limbs flailing. It was hilarious.

Unrelated to the 24th, but everything to do with pretend -- The other day she pretended to be Heavenly Father while I was supposed to be a lost kid who needed help. Heavenly Father appeared right away and held my hand, taking me right to my mommy! :)

1 comment:

Emily John said...

So cute! She is getting so big.