Saturday, November 3, 2007


Kate and I went on a fun Fall walk yesterday. The Provo River Trail is such a gorgeous place! Fall has always been my favorite time of year: the crisp afternoon air, the thick smell of fallen leaves, the satisfying crunch beneath my feet, and the rich colors swirling whimsically with every breath of wind. Wow. Does life get any better than that?

For Kate, the experience was sweetened by prolonged sucking on a stick (I knew she had a stick--I didn't realize for a while that she was eating it...).


Emily John said...

Yum sticks, wait til it's rocks. Logan loves to scrap his teeth on the big rocks. It's a continual battle for us. I LOVE fall. That is a beautiful picture!

Anonymous said...

Your pictures make me want to get out of my house and go for a walk. The fall is such a lovely time of year.

mistyp said...

That's the crisp fall air that we miss! Enjoy it for us!