Monday, April 7, 2008

Not as morbidly obese as I thought...

This weekend I weighed myself and I was 5 pounds lighter no matter how I stood on the scale. My jaw dropped in disbelief. There might have been a few "Hallelujah's" shouted as I declared it a miracle. Then Andrew smiled and told me that he had just set the scale to zero, as it had been at 5 (like I had said in my last post). "Oh." I was disappointed at first that I hadn't lost that much weight in two days of working out, but then I was happy to realize I hadn't been quite as fat as I had thought. Yay! However, I'm still going to keep my goal the same--it will take me within a couple pounds of my married weight. I don't know if I can still get down that far just doing the bike, but we'll see.


Sabrina said...

Having an accurate scale helps! I like to tell myself that when the scale says what I is accurate...and when it says something I don't's off. I just emailed you my workout plan. :)

Mary said...

We have an electronic, fat percentage figuring out type scale and it changes as much as five pounds in 2 minutes! But I have lost about twenty pounds in the last 10 days! (I know, 9 lb. baby, 11 lb. everything else that went along with it!) Why are you weighing yourself every hour? People make fun of me that I weigh once a day. Good luck with everything, I am going to start weight watchers just as soon as everyone stops bringing me pies.

jennybhill said...

Do you ever watch The Biggest Loser? My sister-in-law likes it so I watched it a couple nights ago and although yes it is absurdly dramatized there were some inspiring things.
Sorry we didn't see you in Utah either -- we'll try next time!

Jenn said...

Yes, Jenny, I do sometimes watch the Biggest Loser. I'd never seen it before this season. It is very motivating!