Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Weigh-In

Normally I will be posting my results on a Friday, since that is when I started. But tomorrow we will be leaving for Great Basin National Park in Nevada, and I know I'll forget.

So...are you ready for it?? I don't know how, but I managed to lose FOUR pounds!! I don't think I've ever lost that much in a week. I just exercised three times and ate less, and that's what I got! Amazing! I am very happy since that keeps me on track to achieve my 16 pound weight loss by the end of the month.

However, I always tend to gain weight while camping. You'd think it'd be the opposite, but not for me. I feel like each meal will be my last when I'm in the outdoors, and I eat way too much. So I need to be careful about that and make sure I get some good hiking in.

I also ordered some weight loss shakes that should be coming next week. I've never tried anything like that before, so who knows if I'll like it or if it even works -- or if I can handle not eating anything for breakfast and lunch besides a shake. We shall see. I ordered enough for two weeks.

So there ya go --for anyone out there really wanting to know about my weekly weight loss! :)


Mary said...

Wow! That is amazing! Are you nursing? (Is that too nosy of me?) I need to lose weight so bad! But trying to still love my healthy, productive body and think positively. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you know there's AT LEAST one person really wanting to know! This just brought back all those memories of how OBSESSED I was with your updates the last time around. I'm all over the Friday're doing awesome so far!!

Emily John said...

Are you doing P90x? I did the lean version awhile back and lost 11 pounds in two weeks. I followed the diet which was pretty pricey but so worth it. I really need to get back on it!