Sunday, February 17, 2008

A One Year Old Trapped in a Two Year Old's Body

Kate is 14 months old and is now officially wearing 24 month clothes! What's going on here?! I bought her shoes like TWO weeks ago and this week they're too tight. I swear--an entire YEAR of her little life has vanished! She's way taller than I was at her age and I was a giant up until 7th grade. I'm only 5'7" now and Andrew's 6'0". His dad is 6'4", though, and his brother is 6'7"... so maybe she's inherited the super duper tall gene or something.

This is the best picture I could get of her today. She was being cranky. Sorry about the mess in the background. Kate is lovin' nursery these days. There's only a couple other kids in there, so I'm lovin' it myself!


Emily John said...

Jessi was the same way, very tall and chunky. But now she's a shorty compared to other kids her age. And a tooth pick.

Anonymous said...

Another darling outfit to see!!

mistyp said...

Wow! She's younger than mine and wearing that size! I've got a short one!