Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weigh-in #1 ... x 5??

I decided to weigh in today because I started exercising and stuff part way through the week. From now on I'll weigh in on Fridays, like I used to.

Last night I went through and read all my entries on here about exercising and losing weight over the past few years, and it got me excited to do it again. It did get me down a little, though, that I haven't been able to stick with it, and even though I was so close to my goal before when I lost 30 -- I can't believe I didn't finish, but instead gained it back! Losing 30 lbs last time took me a lot longer than 3 months, but I will just do my best. I really want to do this!!

I've had a LOT of first weigh-ins over the years, but here is the results of today's first weigh-in: Minus TWO. It's on!!

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