Wednesday, October 10, 2007

FINALLY--Our First Showing!

I got a call early this morning from our excited real estate agent saying that another agent called and had someone who wanted to see the house this afternoon. After hanging up, I immediately went into freak out mode. I had to leave for work--but our house was (surprise) a disaster area. So I left work early to help Andrew clean up. I knew he couldn't do it by himself with Kate. We cleaned like CRAZY for two hours. We somehow got it done in time. Didn't have time to mow and weed--but that was last on the list. Kate was freaking out and I did a lot of one armed cleaning again. I don't know why she's happy to play by herself most of the time--until we NEED her to play by herself--then she freaks. Oh well.

So, who knows if the lady that came will buy it--we're just happy to finally have someone come see it! A small victory--but we'll take it.


Emily John said...

Don't you love one handed cleaning, cooking, ect...? I think kids can feel your need so then they start to need you! I hope your showing went well and something happens soon.

mistyp said...

Ya, I hate when they feel the stress and want to be held. Hope something happens with selling your house soon!