Thursday, October 18, 2007

I can feel the nightmares already... at work I read about a lady in New York who went to her bathroom (this was on Monday) in the morning and looked over at her toilet to see a python's head sticking out the top! She screamed, slammed the top of the toilet down, put a large box on top and ran for help. It was a 9 foot python in the pipes! Can you imagine?? That was one of the most disturbing things I've heard in a while and I'm sure it will not help my toilet phobia.

I've also read about a million articles this past week about the lady who bought a can of green beans at the Lehi Walmart, and was fixing lunch for her family. She dumped the green beans out and there on top--was a RAT head. Oh man! The really stupid part of the story and what made it get national news is that the spokesperson for the green bean company said that the rat head was perfectly edible--since it was cooked at such a high heat. AS IF that matters! I hope he got fired for saying that. It's made headlines all over the country--"Rat Head Safe to Eat, company says."

In case you are wondering (if you don't know)--I work for a press clipping agency. I always find it very hard to describe what it is I do. Basically, people (big companies, small companies, government, the LDS Church, --basically anyone) hire our company to follow them in the press. Anytime their product or company or whatever it is is mentioned, we send that article to them electronically. When the client gets articles that are irrelevant or don't match what they're looking for, they get sent back to me and some other people in QA. We read them and the client's instructions and decide if the clip should have been sent or not. Anyway, probably too much information for you all, but that's what I do. It's actually been a very interesting job--I get to read a lot of news about things I would normally never read about, I'm sure. I feel very informed!


Sabrina said...

Although my fear of toilets pales in comparison to yours...I always imagine a scorpion crawling on the lid when I go in the middle of the night...they'll just suddenly appear down here, it is scary. In New Orleans they have these Giant rats (picture Princess Bride in the forest..those big nasty rat things) they are that big...and people eat them because they are high in protein. Well, poor people do.

Sabrina said...
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Jenn said...

LOL...I just watched Princess Bride the other day! Sick--I wonder if they eat their heads, though!

Anonymous said...

Jenn, have you ever read the book or seen the movie, "It" by Stephen King? Just curious. Crystal remembers the plumbing scenes in that movie, and it scared her for awhile afterwards. And it was one of the scariest Stephen King books I've read.

mistyp said...

That is disgusting! Good thing she didn't sit down. We hadn't heard about the rat head. Hey, mabye the guy was from another country where they would eat a rat head. ;) Ha, ha, ha!

Emily John said...

Oh man a snake...ewe. I heard about the rat, SO GROSS! You definetly read some weird stuff.

Jenn said...

I have seen "IT"--that move really freaked me out. I don't remember the specifics now--I just remember being FREAKED.