Monday, March 3, 2008

The Bean Museum

I've been asking other mothers what they have found to do with their kids in Provo. I kept getting the same response--"The Bean Museum." Probably most of you in Utah Valley with kids already know about it, but it was new to me. It's two floors of stuffed animal exhibits--FREE. I finally decided to check it out today. It was really cool! Kate LOVED it. I wish I had had our camera to get video of her. She'd go right up to the animals and roar as loud as she could. It didn't matter if it was a lion or a bear--she would growl just as ferociously at a rabbit or a duck. She is going to love the zoo! But in the meantime, I think we'll be going back to the Bean Museum often.

On the second floor, there was even a landscape/nature photography exhibition going on. Andrew will have to enter next year.

I would definitely recommend it to everyone in the area!


stephasauri said...

You were at the Bean Museum today too? We must have just missed each other! I took my nephew on a long stroller walk from my sister's place to the museum and then all over the museum. (I am doing whatever I can to get this baby to come out without having to be induced.) We should go together sometime!

Jenn said...

How funny! We were there between 4-6pm. Too bad we missed you guys! When is your next doctor's appointment? Surely you've made some progress by now!!

Sabrina said...

Why is it called the Bean Museum?

Jenn said...

It's named after the guy that funded it, I guess--Monte L. Bean. It really is a bad title--when I first heard people mention it, I was like, "Why would I want to go to a bean museum?" But I guess they can't really rename it...oh well.

mistyp said...

Wish we lived closer!