Monday, June 4, 2007

For Those New to Blogs

I realize there are some members of the family and maybe some friends that are not as familiar with blogs as others. Just remember that at the bottom of the page you can click "Older Posts" and assuming you want to--you can keep reading about our adventures. And if you want to leave a comment, just click on the Comments below whatever post you choose, and type your message. I would love to hear from you!!


Anonymous said...

Also, one of the best ways to get news and updates on blogs is through Google Reader.

You just need a google account (gmail account). You can configure FireFox so that when you click "Subscribe to this page..." rather than saving a bookmark, it can add it to the google reader for you.

More and more sites are adding the ability to subscribe to their content through RSS/Atom feeds (what Google Reader uses).

Emily John said...

Only Paul would make it harder than it needs to be. I'll I can say is huh? I'm lost!
Jenn, Love the blog it's fun to hear about your family!

Anonymous said...

If you have a number of blogs that you visit (I have 50 or so - comics, tech news, programming, quotes, etc), then it makes it much easier since you have one page to go to to see all the new posts on your sites. If you are only reading one or two blogs, then it probably doesn't help much but it would be an all day activity to go around and check all the sites and make sure I'm current with them.

With Google Reader you can also "star" posts (so that you can go search your starred list of posts from all of your sources) and you can also "share" posts, so if you come across a good one, you can share them with friends. Your shared list becomes it's own blog that others can subscribe to. Very handy stuff :D

Emily John said...

Too computer smart for me Paulie boy! I'm lucky to be able to run a blog!